Cultural Relations

Cultural and Human Relations


Paragon GIF is an hands-on, engaged partner that delivers to entrepreneurs, businesses, organizations, and stakeholders the opportunities that promote opportunity. Through Paragon GIF systems of intellectual programing, cultural relations, and an acute, acumen to learning and participating, we focus on success to overcome adversity. Many communities and its residents will achieve economic security and prosperity, by working together with like minds and a common cause. Paragons has an effective agenda with engaged partnership working together to achieve success together. Paragon GIF is a nonprofit foundation with business and STEM tech research and learning, entrepreneurship, and developing areas of cultural relations for those individuals interested in cultural relations.

Paragon GIF incubates ideas for hundreds of new projects, organizations, and entrepreneurial groups. Ideals that created real-world work learning programs. As a foundation, our efforts are to promote business and aid in its potential growth. In the public and private sector, Paragon GIF lives by and teaches business philosophy and its development stages within a careers life span. The organizations seeking real world partnerships positioning its participants to be “Champions.”.

Global Initiative

WorldChicago, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Chicago Sister Cities International, and the United Nations represent learning and participation for those interested in global travel with a purpose. Developing skills in cultural relations is the first step to partnerships for trade and cultural relations. Paragon GIF innovative travel abroad programs help others reach a level of continuity with themselves and other nationalities worldwide. As an American traveler from communities of color, cultural relations open many doors. Exploring and participating builds true knowledge and a sense of empowerment to succeed. Tackling global business and cultural issues only presents a problem when a lack of cultural understanding is supported by a lack of participation. Adventures expand one’s interest and ability to learn. Through Paragon GIF initiatives and supporting efforts, we connect and perform.

Community Relations

Paragon GIF provides support for communities through the causes of tech and business training, banking relationship, community development, and activism. The challenges we face are solved when we work together. We bring advocacy to the private and public sectors, community residents, and governments for a greater impact. From our activism to policy, nonprofits, business leaders, and influencers, growing your community and its people is our aim. Together, we continue to change the world.


The Partnership teams of Paragon GIF, functioning, are always forming and shaping new and progressive landscapes. Paragon GIF uses its strategic partnerships to impact the quality and quantity of our foundational engagements with our businesses, employers, schools, technology experts, preferred vendors, and trainer providers. Partnerships engage people and businesses with like minds and complement Paragon GIF interests and literacy pursuits. By targeting partnerships that matter, we improve and grow by design; streamline funding, and ensure advocacy efforts represent the actual needs of people.

Philanthropic Giving

Paragon Global Initiative Foundation will provide a one-to-one match in our charitable donations for up to $5,000 a year. In-kind donations are typically nonmonetary gifts that may include technology equipment, consultancy, mentorship, and/or participation in skills training programs. Our STEM education, community development, and exposure and participation programs (adventures and activities) consist of private initiatives by Paragon GIF for public use, with a primary focus on the quality of work and life.

Media and News

Paragon GIF

Paragon AGI monthly newsletter promotes human relations strategy, career, and lifestyle performance in partnership with Professional Studies Institute (PSI): As trainers and consultants developing and delivering in-demand technology and entrepreneurial training programs, this newsletter provides important information for critical thinking and engagements for its readers.

ICAN Vision

ICV NEWS and Media newsletter advocates increasing Cultural Awareness, Career Transformation, and a Professional Recreation Lifestyle, from aquatic sports to aviation. ICV NEWS and Media newsletter is created to support today’s emerging Black American lifestyle and positive work ethic. Learning should be fun, like participating in an exciting game.

ICAN Vision Media

Follow Paragon GIF media events, explorations, comments, and interviews from our Foundation partners and program participants. See why the impact of learning and participating is a key to opportunity and sustainability.